Education for ALL Through AI Digital Technology
Education for ALL Through AI Digital Technology
  • Lee Hyun-jun (News Editor)
  • 승인 2024.09.19 17:32
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While the digital age has arrived, ushering various changes, the educational infrastructure has not kept pace with this technological advancement. The introduction of digital education by using AI could benefit both students and teachers in keeping up with the current society. Let’s explore the main aspects of digital based educational innovation.........Ed

     The digital era has ushered in significant changes in everyday life. However, things are different when it comes to educational infrastructure. The scale of policies and the slow pace of policy implementation are unable to keep up with the rapid advancement of technology. In response to this, the Ministry of Education has put forward the ‘Digital Based Education Innovation Plan’ policy to realize the vision of ‘Personalized Education for All.’

     Through AI digital textbook and AI based course-ware curriculum program, beyond traditional 1:N relationship it became 1:1 relation analyzing each students pace and provide optimal learning progressing speed. Through AI digital textbooks and AI-based courseware curriculum programs, we move beyond the traditional 1:N relationship to a 1:1 model by analyzing each student’s capabilities and providing an optimal learning pace and preferences. This transforms the teacher’s role from traditional teaching methods to mentoring students and fostering high-level competencies such as human connection and social skills through project-based learning. Therefore, the development of AI digital textbooks, which serve as AI tutors for students, is needed. AI digital textbooks can support learning by using various technologies such as the metaverse, augmented reality, interactive AI, and handwriting recognition, depending on the subject.

     It is expected that by collecting and analyzing students’ data in real-time and utilizing it in classes, teachers will be able to provide personalized lessons for each student even in environments where many students need to be educated simultaneously. With the rapidly advancing AI technology, teachers can conduct more effective and efficient classes. Additionally, by conducting learning consultations based on objective data, teachers can receive practical assistance.

     The introduction of AI-based ‘AI Assistant Teachers’ offers numerous benefits to both teachers and students. AI Assistant Teachers provide easy access to student information, helping teachers observe not only academic guidance but also emotional and social changes more accurately and offer counseling. Students can engage in pre-learning through AI Assistant Teachers and then enhance their problem-solving skills through discussions, projects, and other activities with teachers. This change is expected to significantly help students explore their own learning paths proactively and grow as active learners in the classroom along with their peers.

     The main contents of the digital-based educational innovation plan are as follows:

1. AI Digital Textbooks

     AI Digital Textbooks are a new type of textbooks that provide personalized learning paths and support tailored to students’ abilities and levels through AI-based diagnosis and analysis. AI Digital Textbooks will be developed by applying AI technology suited to the characteristics of each subject. Starting in 2025, they will be introduced for Mathematics, English, Information Technology, Special Education, and Korean, with plans to expand to Korean, Technology, Home Economics, Social Studies, and Science by 2028. The vision of ”Customized Education for All” through AI Digital Textbooks aims to create an educational environment where students learn optimized personalized learning content, teachers design classes based on data, and parents receive rich information about their children’s learning activities. Digital textbooks will be introduced in 2025 for 3rd and 4th grades in elementary school, 1st grade in middle school, and high school. By 2026, they will be expanded to 5th and 6th grades in elementary school and 2nd grade in middle school, and by 2027, to 3rd grade in middle school. The Ministry of Education plans to provide one device per student by 2027 to facilitate the use of digital textbooks.

2. T.O.U.C.H Teachers

     The plan includes training the TOUCH teachers who provide personalized learning environments using AI Digital Textbooks and strengthen human connections with students. TOUCH (Teachers who Upgrade Class with High-Tech) teachers are a leading group of educators who understand the philosophy of digital-based educational innovation and have expertise in digital technology. The Ministry of Education aims to expand the number of TOUCH teachers to 2,000 by 2025. TOUCH teachers are selected based on recommendations from local education offices and receive intensive training during the holidays using private experts. To date, the second batch of TOUCH teachers has successfully completed training, and they will be active in digital leading schools.

3. Diverse Teaching and Learning Models

     The Korea Educational Development Institute plans to develop and provide various teaching and learning models using AI Digital Textbooks to the field. For example, these models include diagnosing students’ learning situations in advance using AI, conducting classes based on this diagnosis, and assessing students’ understanding levels after the lessons. Additionally, AI tutors will be utilized for preview or review sessions in after-school or supplementary classes, and online supplementary learning models will be developed for underachieving students or those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Furthermore, to address parents’ concerns about increased digital device usage by students, safe usage environments will be established by blocking harmful websites and applications, and practical education methods for safe digital device use will be enhanced


     The Gyeongnam Provincial Office of Education has achieved results in developing AI models through its education data processing system and various teaching and learning support algorithms. Currently, private teaching and learning platforms use commercially available AI models. In contrast, the Gyeongnam Office of Education’s AI teaching and learning platform, i-TokTok, aims to support education by building a new scientific system that collects, analyzes, and refines education data, and develops and applies AI models and algorithms based on this data. This is the first such development by a local education office and is evaluated as a differentiated element from private platforms.

     The Gyeonggi-do Provincial Office of Education announced plans to fully equip each student from 3rd grade elementary school to 3rd year high school with a smart device by the first half of 2024, considering a device provision rate of 0.29 as of April 2022 to align with upcoming policies. Through an integrated call center and 37 regional centers, approximately 1.3 million smart terminals and around 46 thousand charger storage units will be supplied, ensuring continuous and systematic integrated maintenance services. The main point is that adapting educational environments to the digital era is essential to align with the global digital era. In Japan’s case, through the ‘GIGA school program,’ they have successfully implemented a policy to provide each student with a personal device and established a high-speed wireless network in classrooms. They have also effectively built a digital textbook platform. Similarly, in the UK and Germany, efforts are underway to implement the transformation of the digital education system. Vice Premier and Minister of Education Lee Ju-ho recently stated, ”With advanced digital technology, we can now achieve the fundamental goal of education as outlined by the UN in 1990, ‘Education for All.’” The statement conveys the government’s commitment to improving the quality of education through digital education innovation and transforming the role of teachers to provide a better learning environment for students.


Lee Hyun-jun (News Editor)

Jo Hee (ST Reporter)

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