The Paradox of Global Warming
The Paradox of Global Warming
  • Yang Su-rin (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2023.03.17 00:15
  • 댓글 0
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We all know that the Earth is threatened by global warming. However, while global warming means that the Earth is getting 
hotter, we don’t know why a record cold wave emerges regularly. This is due to the paradox of global warming. ST found out 
the paradox of global warming, the cause of the paradox of global warming, its impact, and possible solutions.   ................................Ed


     Last December, the Korea Meteorological Administration announced that the average winter (1991-2020) on the Korean Peninsula was 87 days, a week shorter than the 1981-2010 average of 94 days. If this condition continues, it is predicted that the cold wave days (the day when the morning minimum temperature is below minus 12 degrees Celsius) will disappear altogether. However, in early January, Seoul experienced record heavy snow in more than 100 years, and Cheorwon experienced a severe cold temperature of minus 26.3 degrees Celsius. People wonder that such a severe cold wave and heavy snow are the cause of global warming. This is the paradox of ‘global warming’.

# Cause-Jet Airflow

     Global warming, on average, constantly increases the Earth’s temperature, but it does not make all areas warm. The most sensitive place affected by global warming is the Arctic region. Therefore, as the Arctic temperature rises, the temperature difference between the equator and the Arctic decreases, and the air in the isolated Arctic region moves south. There is a jet stream in the Arctic that prevents cold air from escaping, which maintains its speed and acts as a fence as the temperature difference between the Arctic and the mid-degree increases. However, global warming causes Arctic temperatures to rise and jets to weaken. By this time, a cold wave temporarily strikes areas within the influence of the cold Arctic air going down. Also, rising global temperatures increase evaporation, increasing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, thus increasing the frequency of heavy snow and heavy rain.

# Adverse Effects - Global Climate Anomalies

     As a result, abnormal weather conditions are continuing throughout the world. Unprecedented cold waves and heavy snow hit Texas and
Minnesota in the United States, and 200 people were killed in glacial floods caused by glaciers falling in the Himalayan mountainous region in northern India. Furthermore, as global warming occurs, pests increase, forests become dry, and forest fires are increasingly likely to occur.

# Solution

     Global warming affects not only the climate but also all the natural environment and our lives. Therefore, the reduction of greenhouse gases, called the 
main culprit of global warming, has become a common issue worldwide. There is a very positive way to absorb greenhouse gases. It is to utilize the greenhouse gas absorption capacity of the forest. The forest absorbed about 45.7 million tons of greenhouse gases every year in Korea. Should trees be planted and cared for to help forests absorb emitted greenhouse gases? Moreover, aging trees should be transformed into young and vibrant forests through reforestation. The United Nations Framework Convention also recognizes forests as the most important source of greenhouse gas absorption. Preserving and caring for forests well is protecting the future of the Earth.


Yang Su-rin (ST Reporter)


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  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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