The 62nd Student Council, Sun, at the Starting Line of Change
The 62nd Student Council, Sun, at the Starting Line of Change
  • Park Ji-su (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2022.06.11 21:46
  • 댓글 0
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ST has interviewed the student president of ‘SUN’ after he was elected into the 62nd student council. Let‘s get a glimpse of the council’s performance in advance, with SSU‘s future at stake, from the pledge of doing ‘good’ to future plans. ………………………….Ed

ST, Park Ji-su
ST, Park Ji-su

     Last November 27, the ‘Sun’ campaign team was elected as the 62nd student council. As with most student councils, they have a vision of a school that they want to promote. Then, what will SSU look like, and which is drawn with the distinctive features of the ‘Sun’? Accordingly, ST decided to look into policies, such as event progress and communication, which ‘Sun’ emphasizes. ST met with student council president Song Je-gyeong (18, Statistics and Actuarial Science student) and discussed various topics.

     ST: Congratulations on being elected as the 62nd student council. You must have prepared for the election under such a chaotic period. Did you have any special episodes related to the election campaign?

     SONG: During the campaign, we tried to make our team known to as many students as possible. After creating a unified image, from uniforms to dress codes and promotional materials, all campaigns were conducted. We wanted people to pay a little more attention to our pledges. Therefore, we valued the unified image, and did our best to look the same in Soongsilians‘ eyes. Even in the cold weather, all the candidates of the independent student body, including us, worked hard. We hope to get plenty of attention and support for the newly established student council this year.

     ST: As you emphasized communication, is there anything you are particularly striving for to achieve smooth communication? What communication channels can students actively use?

     SONG: It‘s an explanation of our student council, ‘Sun,’ ‘Be by your side,’ watch and listen from the perspective of the Soongsilians, ‘Ahead of you,’ find what Soongsilians need first. Lastly, ‘Connecting line,’ connect the school and the Soongsilians to the school headquarters. Likewise, communication is what we value the most, and we would like to talk directly to our students through process-focused communication. In 2022, there will be highly important topics for students, such as double major, quota adjustment, and encouragement of specialized projects. We will explain them in detail, like the progress of the situation, and listen to the Soongsilians. Finally, our communication channels include the Instagram account of ‘Sun,’ KakaoTalk Plus Friend, Facebook, and the student council website. Furthermore, we will introduce the KakaoTalk Plus Friend Chatbot for students to receive information promptly.

     ST: Can you introduce important pledges briefly? Moreover, are there any pledges currently being processed?

     SONG: To tell you about the policy, we are aiming to undergo a reorganization of the evaluation method this year, such as mixing relative evaluation and absolute evaluation. We are thoroughly noting preferences and are discussing them with the academic team. Since it is a significant issue, we will study it after completing the comparison of the evaluation methods and the response review. Now, we are working on improving SSU, whose pride rests on its strict grade evaluation in the University Basic Competency Diagnosis. We will no longer let students suffer from tough evaluation methods. In terms of culture, there are several political events this year. We will organize a forum in which we will invite prominent experts. We hope that we can resume our daily lives by meeting face-to-face. This year, the Asian Games, and the World Cup will be held simultaneously. To cheer for our teams and enjoy the games together, we will promote Soongsil street cheering events in the 2nd semester at the SSU PARK. Furthermore, if the COVID-19 restrictions are eased, we will concentrate our efforts on the SSU autumn festival, which will be held in the coming years.

     ST: Can you add anything that you want to achieve during your one-year term, and anything else to say to the Soongsilians?

     SONG: I sincerely want to make students the owners of SSU this year. I look forward to reorganizing the communication system with SSU to be the college for students, and by students when making decisions. Since SSU is also working hard to address many issues, the student council is doing its best not to exclude the Soongsilians in matters concerning SSU and the Soongsilians.

ST, Park Ji-su
ST, Park Ji-su


     The new year has just started, and I hope that the Soongsilians will have a good time and will be full of happiness. Sun, the 62nd student council, will be at the frontlines and will be doing its best for the Soongsilians.

Park Ji-su (ST Reporter)

Lee Yu-jeong (ST Cub-Reporter)

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