The Strength of Korea Revealed During a Crisis
The Strength of Korea Revealed During a Crisis
  • Yeom Da-yeon (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2020.06.28 16:11
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While the whole earth is suffering from COVID-19, the reaction of Korea andd the cooperative attitudes of Koreans draw world's attention. Let's see what is happening in Korea. ............................ Ed

     On March 11, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic against the coronavirus. There are numerous confirmed cases and casualties worldwide, and it is a chaotic situation. In the meantime, the response system of Korea is highly regarded by WHO's deputy-general, and it soon comes to pose as an excellent example of COVID-19 response textbook. In this way, ST looked into the response system of Korea that caught the attention of the world.

ST, Yeom Da-yeon
ST, Yeom Da-yeon

   K-Defense System

     The development of diagnostic kits that show accurate test results at a rapid pace has allowed the nation's people to be diagnosed in a timely manner. Korea also drew the attention of foreign media when it set up a drive-through screening clinic for safe inspections. In addition, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quickly identified those who came into contact with the route through a epidemoiological survey of confirmed patients and disclosed them to the public in real time through 'disaster text messages'. Another part of South Korea's quarantine system is the 'COVID-19 Map' application, which shows the status of confirmed patients on a map. Based on data shared by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it was able to provide useful information to the public by informing them of the number of confimed patients or their path of travel.

ST, Yeom Da-yeon

   5-Day Rotation System

       The measure is designed to stabilize the supply and demand of masks by the government. This is based on a five-part system of the week in the year of birth, which allows one person to purchase three masks a week (from April 27). As the demand for masks increased, the 'mask shortage' occurred, but the 5-day rotation system subsequently solved the shortage problem. In addition, a 'mask alert' application has been developed to help prevent mask shortage. It can let people check the location of public sales outlets and the amount of masks in possession.

   Social Distancing Campaign

     The government-led 'social distancing' ran from March 22 to May 5. This aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by enforcing enhanced social distance placement in a short period of time, thereby refrain from unneccessary outings and reduce contact with others. The effect has been demonstrate by the active participation of the public in these campaigns. The Korean people have also created another culture of their own at home. These days, the number of confirmed patients is on the decline, and it has been switched to the "distancing in daily life" stage to maintain the living quarantine system.


Yeom Da-yeon (ST Reporter)

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