Strangeness of Being a Stranger
Strangeness of Being a Stranger
  • Oh Ye-sung (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2019.09.03 21:47
  • 댓글 0
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ST attended the Korea Immigration and Integration program that was held in SSU. Let us take a look at what the program has done. --------------------------------------------------------Ed

 The leisurely SSU was on a summer vacation on the 20th of July, Saturday, in which people from different countries gathered at the Baird Hall. People gathered to attend a lecture by an immigration mentor. It was hosted by KIIP (Korea Immigration & Integration Program).

 KIIP is the education program for social integration that is supervised by the Department of Justice. It allows immigrants to learn general knowledge that they need in Korea. Immigrants who passed the KIIP are provided various benefits related with the procedure of naturalization and granting of VISA.

ST, Oh Ye-sung
ST, Oh Ye-sung

 The mentor was Burgos Christian, also famous in Korea for the TV show, “Nonsummit.” He came to Korea four years ago from Mexico. Along with the TV program, he is spontaneously trying to spread K-POP (Korean popular) music and Korean culture. Burgos Christian shared his experiences about life in Korea and learning Korean. While he meant to give advice to foreigners who want to settle down in Korea, it was also helpful for Soongsilians who are planning to go abroad.

Expectation vs. Reality

 Before you have an “expectation” of a mystical foreign country and language, you should face the “reality.” Burgos Christian said, “Deal with the real problems first, and use your expectation as a motivation and purpose for life in Korea.”

Surround Yourself with Foreign Culture

 Burgos Christian said he made friends at Koreatown in Mexico. He suggested making many friends so that you can express yourself freely, not merely copying just one friend, and acting like a robot.

Don’t Be Ashamed, Be Confident

 Don’t be ashamed and don’t feel oppressed because of your poor language skills. Burgos Christian said, “You have right to be wrong and be proud to speak a foreign language.”

 Therefore, Soongsilians, including both foreign students living in Korea and Korean students dreaming to lead a foreigner’s life overseas, must not be scared. Keep seeking your dreams like Burgos Christian, and dare to achieve your dream.

ST, Oh Ye-sung
ST, Oh Ye-sung

Oh Ye-sung (ST Reporter)



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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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