The World Cup is More Than Just a Football Match
The World Cup is More Than Just a Football Match
  • Hwang Joon-seok (Editor-in Chief)
  • 승인 2018.06.12 16:13
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     It has been a little more than 3 months since the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games ended. We are now counting down the days for the world’s biggest sporting event to come. After 4 years, the long-awaited 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia begins on July 4. The World Cup and the Olympics are two of the world’s well-known sporting events, where people from all around the world gather together to cheer for their national teams.

     Some might think that the World Cup is just one colossal event and mere entertainment for people worldwide. However, the World Cup is more than just one huge football match. It is an enormous event where all social parts of the world are involved. The economic aspects are definitely the biggest factor during this event. Of course, it creates a massive fortune for the host country such as Russia. In addition, the host country may benefit from improved image, increased employment rate, enhanced marketing sales, increased number of tourists, etc. Meanwhile, companies may also profit from their investment on marketing in the World Cup. Since the World Cup has significant promotional effects, there is a great competition among the companies to at least put their brand logo on TV when there is a match. Moreover, consumer confidence tends to increase in the duration of the World Cup event. Therefore, countries from all around the world also benefit from the increase in sales.

      Is the impact of the World Cup mainly focused on the economic growth of countries worldwide? Definitely no, because it does not matter where you live, what you believe in, and what you do in your country. The only thing that matters is your country. One spectacular scene that we can only see in events, such as the World Cup, is the gathering of the Red Devils on the streets and cheering for the Korean national team. Watching the World Cup while considering all of these factors would make it much more interesting. The World Cup Russia is the main theme of THE SOONGSILTIMES 174th edition. Please take a look inside.


Hwang Joon-seok (Editor-in Chief)


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