War with Mosquitoes
War with Mosquitoes
  • Kim Beum-jun (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2016.06.02 13:37
  • 댓글 0
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Attributes of mosquitoes and prevention measures
  It seems a war with mosquito has just begun. It is hard to oversee their existence when one spends sleepless nights fighting against buzzes above their heads. As summer heat prevails, it is time mosquitoes get busy. Being a poikilothermic insect, mosquitoes have higher metabolism and development when temperature rises and so as the mosquito bites on people’s arms and legs. Throughout countless summers, People have always sought ways to kill them perfectly but in vain. Since serious diseases can spread from such mosquito bites, mosquito bites can be more than just itchy skin. Mosquitoes can’t be rid of but there are ways to prevent them. To help those in need, this article will cover the basic characteristics of them and introduce ways how to stay away from summer mosquitoes.

Basic attributes of mosquitoes

  They are attracted to certain smells. It means they target specific air molecule such as carbon dioxide from people’s breathe, smell from perfumes, sweats and other metabolic materials from our body. Thus women are more vulnerable to mosquitoes because of smell from perfumes. Pregnant women attract more mosquitoes since they breathe out 20percent more carbon dioxide along with more lactic acid smell that mosquitoes like. In addition to smell, they love heat. They favor people with lot of heat and sweat. That is why fat people are more likely to get mosquito bites. They breathe more and has more heat than those who weigh less. 

How far do they move?

  They can travel as far as 1kilometers from their birth place. Some people imagine that living in high floor of a building would solve the problem. Unfortunately for them, mosquitoes can travel up to 7meters to 9 meters in height at one time. Also they can fold their body up to 2mm to cramp up in small chasm, those of which you might not even imagined them getting through.

Ways to get rid of mosquitoes or prevent them from your home.

  If you are in bed right now with mosquitoes buzzing over your head, this method will allow you one dead mosquito in your hand and promise you good night. Turn your smartphone to the highest light level and put it beside your pillow. Soon you will hear a mosquito buzzing over your head. When you do, turn the big lights on the room. As the mosquitoes fixate targets, they won’t be far away from your head. Look for places near the pillow or the wall. If you see hard objects nearby they might be sitting there waiting for you to come. Crush them before they fly away.

  To some people it takes some effort and experience before they accurately anticipate where the mosquitoes would be. If you are one of them there are simpler ways. There are certain ranges of sound mosquitoes don’t like. There are some apps that make those sounds. Mosquitoes won’t trouble you in the ear at least.

  The best way to avoid them would be taking a good bath. Try to take those perfumes and sweats off of you. Also you would need to see where mosquitoes might come into. As aforementioned, they can get in if there is a hole larger than 2 mm. Block those small spaces if you see them. If there are holes that are not possible to cover, put anti-mosquito spray on them. In many cases that would be lavatory plughole. Last but not least, see if there are any water pools. Mosquitoes can lay eggs in water even as small as a spoonful of it.

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  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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