From the Journey of Finding Oneself
From the Journey of Finding Oneself
  • Gil Si-on (Editor-in-Chief)
  • 승인 2016.03.21 21:29
  • 댓글 0
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     "Life is a journey toward finding oneself." This is a phrase mentioned often in books or talked about in lectures. By the word finding, it refers to looking for something that has been lost or something completely new, which may also be somehow similar but in a different way. From my own understanding, I believe finding oneself is more than just discovering the natural trait of oneself, although it may also be at some distance, but rather becoming better of oneself. The interesting fact here is that whether a person has had a bad or good time, chances are always there to help them get to find his or her self.

     Looking back at my memories of the last two years at SSU, now having become a junior, I think I myself learned and changed a lot. Before then, it was just usual to live the way how others tell me to do so and follow it without seriously thinking what I really want. But with more freedom to choose and do things in university, I got to have many experiences and face with various circumstances. Although there was a time I got confused at seeing myself every time in a different aspect, now I think it is also part of me and I am happy to be. Through these times, I could find myself, sometimes the one I never expected to be, in good ways. Before then, things around me, I could see and hear but now I see them not just as how they physically appear but with minds. Being an Editor-in- Chief, a lot of thoughts cross over, but since it is also part of the journey I decided to take on, I am so thankful and grateful.

     March has returned, calling for new semester. People maybe busy and sometimes have hectic or exhausting time, but I wish that they get closer to finding themselves and become better in their everyday lives. It may also be a good idea to just stroll around the campus and look up to the blue sky. All of us have different past and will have different future, but now at present, I wish them live more fulfilling lives, get to know about themselves, wherever they are.


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  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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