SSU-Vietnam Education Partnership Expansion
SSU-Vietnam Education Partnership Expansion
  • Choi Jung-min (Editor-in-Chief)
  • 승인 2015.03.28 19:12
  • 댓글 0
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SSU has consistently tried to build an intimate relationship with several Vietnamese universities. It seems that the consequences of such efforts will be seen this year.........................................................................................Ed.

Plans to expand the education partnerships between SSU and a number of Vietnamese universities are under way, which are expected to strengthen the bonds between them after the establishment of such partnerships in 2007.
SSU’s delegation group, including President Hahn Hern-soo, recently visited several Vietnamese
universities, inspecting the progress of its joint MBA course and agreeing to develop additional programs and to expand its curriculums.
On January 7, the delegation attended the entrance ceremony of the 4th MBA program in the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH). A meeting with President Thien Tue Nguyen also took place for the discussion of operational issues and further plans. The joint MBA program between SSU and IUH started in 2010 and is currently being offered in four local campuses. The 4th joint MBA course targets 40 local students. In June, an IT graduate school will also begin holding classes, with the same course to be offered in the Quang Ngai campus. The delegation group also agreed to co-work on developing the curriculum and degree particularly in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering. IUH also agreed to send local students to SSU before September.
On January 8, the group visited Nguyen Tat Thanh University (NTTU) and took part in a signing
ceremony with President Nguyen Manh Hung. More than 50 students of NTTU are to start their MBA studies from June, and there will be a series of consultations for the development of the Master’s course in IT and the MBA in Finance program. The delegation particularly agreed to establish a new department for arts & movies in NTTU, with the aim of fostering human resources capable of communicating in Korean and producing movies and dramas. The new department is expected to offer an undergraduate program.
On January 9, the delegation attended a joint MBA program agreement in Ba Ria Vung Tau University (BVU) with President Nguyen Thi Chim Lang. According to the agreement, an executive MBA program will start being offered in May. Both universities are going to open an additional MBA curriculum that will have its entrance ceremony in December. In line with Vung Tau’s local features and industrial demands, the partnership looks forward to developing a curriculum for supply chain management. The course will help promote the progress of the petrochemical industry and will help make the agricultural-product distribution system more consistent.

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  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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