[ENTERTAIN] Are You Ready to Watch LOL?
[ENTERTAIN] Are You Ready to Watch LOL?
  • Choi JinHyuk (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2014.03.27 17:41
  • 댓글 0
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“Welcome to Summoner’s Rift.” This line appears a lot in the game”League of Legend” (LOL).
It is a rising blue chip in E-Sports in Korea. It is celebrating its 4th birthday in Korea this year.
It is not just a game but a brand like StarCraft of the 1990s and the early 2000s.
Korean gamers love the game. Last year, Korea’s gaming team SKT K won at World Championship of LOL.
So why do people go crazy about League of Legend? LOL is based on a lot of champions and unfailing back stories.
These back stories make you feel like you’re reading a fantasy novel.
Compared to other games, you have a wide variety of choosing champion characters to play as well.
What is better is that the controls are easy.
When you reach level 30, a rank mode appears where you play with the players with similar levels as yours.
These facts make the gamers fall in love with the game.
Out of the good parts of LOL, the best part of all is that it reforms a new season by one-year period.
These factors made it“World Championship” and “LOL Club Maters” will be held in Korea this year.
So ST introduces some information about 3 big LOL Competitions: LOL Champions, LOL World Championship and LOL Club Masters.

LOL Champions has 4 game seasons a year. These 4 seasons are during the four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). The
aim of LOL Champions is picking the best single team in Korea. Each season, 16 pro-teams fight for victory. In the qualifier
match, 2 teams go to the quarterfinals from each group. From quarterfinals, games go off best of five. The best part of competition
is that it is hard to predict because each set is nip and tuck. The point you should focus on is how the player uses 3 ban cards.
In each game set, the team can use 3 ban cards to ban champions in game. And these 3 ban cards have big effect on the game’s
outcomes. So every team uses 3 ban cards discreetly. In LOL Champions there is an MVP system. MVP is chosen by MOM
(Man of Match) point. When game set is finished, people pick MOM of each set. At the end,
the player who gets the most MOM point becomes an MVP.
Therefore in each game set, we can watch player’s splendid control.

LOL World Championship is a little bit different from LOL Champions. LOL World Champion Ship is the biggest competition
in all LOL competitions. From the competition LOL ALL-STARS, the victorious countries get 3 tickets for LOL World
Championship and other country get 2 tickets. So adding up all the circuit-point, only 3 teams can participate in LOL World
Championship at the most. The purpose of LOL World Championship is making it possible to compete with players from other
countries, and find the best team in the world. The overall process is similar to LOL Champions. Quarterfinal games go off best
of three and semifinals and finals go along best of five. The point you should focus on is different from LOL Champions. There
are many teams, and each team’s skills and gaming order are not the same, so it is fun to watch showy controls and brilliant gaming order.

LOL Club Masters is a new competition, and it is held for the first time this year. In Korea, there are game-groups and each
game-group has 2 single teams. LOL Champions is a competition to pick the best single team in Korea. On the other hand, LOL
Masters is a competition to pick the best game-group in Korea. This year, 7 game-groups will participate. LOL Club Masters consists
of 21 matches. The match goes along 3 game set. 2 single teams in the game-group will play the first and the second game
set. The final set will be played by the entre that each game-group chooses freely. Their choice is set by their assumptions on the
current game situation. Ranking will be decided by the scores and the scores specified. If a group wins by 3:0, the group gets 3
points. If won by 2:1, they get 1 point. When a group loses by 0:3, they lose 3 points. Likewise, if a group is beaten by 1:2, the
group loses 1 point. The point that can change the game around is how each game-group chooses their entre in the third set. So we
can watch an all-star team form. This system is an interesting factor compared to other competitions.

Now, as mentioned earlier, League of Legend is a brand and
not just a game. LOL swept 8 awards among 17 awards at the
2013 E-Sports Awards last February. This shows that LOL has
become the core of Korea E-Sports. With so many fun competitions
and the gamer fans’ high expectations, the popularity of League of Legend will continue on.

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